
Appliance.windows(window_1: Optional[Iterable] = None, window_2: Optional[Iterable] = None, random_var_w: float = 0, window_3: Optional[Iterable] = None)

assings functioning windows to the appliance and adds the appliance to the user class

  • window_1 (Iterable, optional) – First functioning window, by default None

  • window_2 (Iterable, optional) – Second functioning window, by default None

  • window_3 (Iterable, optional) – Third functioning window, by default None

  • random_var_w (Percentage, optional) – variability of the windows in percent, the same for all windows, by default 0



  • If number of specifies windows does not correspond to the given functioning windows. * If the sum of all windows time intervals for the appliance is smaller than the time the appliance is supposed to be on.


If three time window is specified for the appliance as follow:

  1. from 00:00:00 to 00:20:00

  2. from 00:30:00 to 00:35:00

  3. from 00:40:00 to 00:55:00

    window_1 = [0,20],
    window_2 = [30,35],
    window_3 = [40,55]